Baccarat Multiplayer Betting Rules

What is Baccarat Multiplayer?

Baccarat, also known as Punto Banco, is one of the oldest and most popular games in casinos all over the world. It is especially popular among high-rollers and Asian gamblers. In Macau, baccarat is extremely dominant. Although the game seems serious and elegant, it is really as simple as betting on the flip of a coin. Played between two hands, the Player and the Banker. The game offers three table limits that contain multiple tables to enter.

The game use 8 decks of cards to play. At the starting of the shoe, there shall be shuffling animation, placing a yellow card between 52-76 cards from the back of the shoe then place the shuffled card to the shoe. One card will be drawn from the shoe, the system will burn some cards based on the drawn card’s value. Ace = burn one card, 2-10 = burned card amount based on the value, Jack = eleven cards, Queen = twelve cards and King = thirteen cards.

Cards are given point values as follows: Ace = 1, 2-9 = pip value, 10 and face cards = 0.

Play begins by all players betting either on the Player or Banker. There are also side bets on Tie, Player Pair and Banker Pair.

After betting timer is up, the system gives two cards each to the Player and Banker hands.

The maximum number of points in both the Player and Banker hands is 9. The way to arrive at the points per hand is to take the total points of each individual card in the hand. If the sum is more than 9, then drop the first digit. For example, if either hand had a 9 and 7, then you would drop the 1 from the total of 16, for a 6-point hand.

A third card may or may not be dealt to either the Player or Banker hands, depending on the drawing rules.

Note:  Malfunctions of any sort (software or hardware) voids the play.

How do I place a bet in Baccarat Multiplayer?

The objective of the game is for the player to bet on the winning card which contains the highest value either on the banker’s hand or player’s hand, and also the game may result to tie.

How to Play

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Lobby
Figure 1. Baccarat Multiplayer Lobby

When the player launches the game, initial stage is the game lobby. Players can choose the table limit and the betting timer they prefer before joining a game table.

Note: There is a speed logo on a table that uses a faster betting timer.

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Timer
Figure 2. Speed logo

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Game UI
Figure 3. Baccarat Multiplayer Game UI

After the player joins a game table, players can directly bet on any betting options during betting open.

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Quick Bet
Figure 4. Baccarat Multiplayer Quick Bet Function

On every initial round a popup overlay will show for a Quick Bet Guide that will last for three seconds before it fades out. This may also be closed by tapping on the screen, but if the player wouldn’t want this to occur when entering a new game round, the tick box should be responded.

The player uses the default avatar for the first time that he enters the game. There will be six seats available. The player may take an available seat or choose to stay as a standing player.

A shuffling animation is done at the beginning of the game. A yellow card is placed between 52 - 78 cards. A card is drawn from the shoe. The system will burn cards based on that card value. The system will draw four cards, placed on the player and banker area. An audio will be heard, “Place your bet please.” A time duration is shown to place his bets.

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Placing Bets
Figure 5. Baccarat Multiplayer with chips placed in the betting option

The player should select a chip and place it on the betting option before the “betting open” duration ends. The available bets are divided into five areas; Player, Banker, Tie, Player pair, and Banker pair. When the betting timer reaches zero, a notification will display “No more bets”. An audio will be heard, “No more bets, thank you!”

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Bet Accepted
Figure 6. Baccarat Multiplayer with bet confirmation

After the system closed the betting period, a pop up will show to confirm if the bet transaction was successfully accepted or failed. The four cards will be revealed and mentioned by an audio. The Player and Banker hands will be compared. The maximum number of points in both hands is 9. To have this point, the two cards on each hand is summed. If the sum is more than 9, the first digit should be dropped, the greater value is the winning result. The winner is mentioned by an audio, “Player/ Banker Win!”

The player can see the current game round at the top left corner of the screen, and previous game table results on the bead board. The sitting player will be kicked out from the seat when he did not place bets within three consecutive rounds, a pop-up notification will appear, and the player will be moved to the Standing Player List button.

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Winning Screen
Figure 7. Baccarat Multiplayer winnings

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Rebet
Figure 8. Rebet Button

Rebet button will appear after a player bets on the last played round. Its function is to bet the same amount on the same betting options.

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Standing Players
Figure 9. Standing Player Button

Standing Player Button by default is always on the game table UI which displays the current standing players on that table.

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Sit Here
Figure 10. Sit Here Button

Sit Here Button allows the player to sit on a seat. There are 6 seats that the players may occupy. Every time a player joins a table they will appear as a standing player.

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Seated Player
Figure 11. Sample Seated Player

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Roadmap
Figure 12. Roadmaps

Roadmaps record the history and patterns of the current shoe. Some players may use this information to help them to bet. A new set of roadmaps are created when a new shoe is put to play. There are 5 kinds of roadmaps. The Big Road, Bead Road, Big Eye, Small Road and Cockroach Road. Two of the roads, The Big Road and Bead Road record the actual results of the shoe. The Big Eye, Small Road and Cockroach Road records the patterns of the shoe.

Chip Betting System

Baccarat Multiplayer uses this chip betting system to bet on betting options they prefer. Different colors for different amount as well.

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Chip Bar
Figure 13. Baccarat Multiplayer Chip betting system

Chip values are available as follows:

1, 5, 10, 50 and 100.

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer Player's Bet
Figure 14. Sample of player’s bet

The chosen chip value will be the bet amount that the player will use when they click on their desired betting option.

Note: The list of available stakes might be different depending on the currency.

Baccarat Game User Interface

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer User Interfance
Figure 15. Baccarat Multiplayer user Interface

Parts of the Game:

A. Menu Button

SBOBET Casino Games - Baccarat Multiplayer How to Play

Figure 16. Inside the Information button of the game menu

This is used to display

  • Information button for How to Play, Rules, Paytable, and Payline.
  • Avatar button that shows the player image selection.
  • Audio button that mute or unmute all the sounds in the game.
  • Statement button that will lead the user to another window that shows the report page. (This is for mobile only)
  • Full Screen button that makes the game screen in maximum view. (This is for mobile only)

B. Standing Player - These are the players that don't have a seat or chose to stay standing.

C. Balance - This displays the available balance amount of the player in the current session.

D. Total Win - This displays the total win amount that the player had won from the current game.

E. Total Bet - This displays the total bet amount that the player has selected for the current game.

F. Chip Selection - This displays the selection of chips in different values that the player will use and place in the betting options area.

G. Road Map - This is purposely for the use of showing the records of the previous round result. The Bead Road will display beads representing betting options combinations based on winning results, while the Big Road will display Odd and Even winning results.

H. Seat - These are displayed as icons that the player may choose to sit on the current game.

I. Game Table - This displays the main table of the game that contains five betting options and areas for banker’s and player’s hand.

J. Home Button - This button is used to close the current game window and to go back to the game’s lobby.

K. Min and Max Table Limit Information - This displays the minimum and maximum bet limit of the chosen table.

L. Rebet Button – is to place the same stake that the player bet on the last played round.

Betting Options and Payout

These are the following multiplier payout amount of Baccarat Multiplayer:

Betting Options Payout
Player 1:1
Banker 0.95:1
Tie 8:1
Player Pair 11:1
Banker Pair 11:1

What is my likelihood of winning when playing Baccarat Multiplayer?

The rules for this game were last changed on 2020-08-18 09:09:09

Game Version: v1.0

Over a long period of time, the game is likely to average a return to the player of 98.76% of the total bets made.
